Sermon Sneak Peek: March 22

Sermon Sneak Peek: March 22

Have you ever been told to absolutely NOT do something, or completely stay away from someone? And what do you do? The demand to NOT seems to stoke a fire in our soul to do exactly what we’re told not to do. As humans, we seem to have an obedience problem, and God knows it. So God gives us a new covenant based on forgiveness and love. That’s our focus…Keep Reading

Lenten Worship Sneak Peek: Wednesday, March 18, 2015

Lenten Worship Sneak Peek: Wednesday, March 18, 2015

Has there been a time when you have been really hot and thirsty? Maybe even hurting somewhere a little bit? Think about that time and how you felt when all you wanted was a large glass of water. It didn’t even have to be cold, because you are just that thirsty. Now, in your mind, imagine someone handing you a big glass of liquid and reaching out to grab it….Keep Reading

Sermon Sneak Peek: What’s Love Got To Do With It?

Sermon Sneak Peek: What’s Love Got To Do With It?

“What’s love got to do, got to do with it? What’s love but a second hand emotion?” – Tina Turner Love and the cross and restoring relationships. How do they go together? Might be obvious but maybe we are missing something because we think we know the answer. Come to worship on Sunday and see if the Holy Spirit has something new to show you as we look at Exploring…Keep Reading

Featured Friday Christian Artist: Danen Kane – When Our Time Here Is Over

Featured Friday Christian Artist: Danen Kane – When Our Time Here Is Over

This week’s Featured Friday Christian Artist is Danen Kane, featuring his When Our Time Here Is Over – Flesh and Soul. In Flesh and Soul, Danen Kane presents the internal war we all fight; a struggle between our humanity and holiness. With funky grooves and a sense of urgency, When Our Time Here Is Over – Flesh and Soul calls us to focus on the important things instead of vain…Keep Reading

Lenten Worship Sneak Peek: March 11, 2015

Lenten Worship Sneak Peek: March 11, 2015

Compassion: sympathetic consciousness of others’ distress together with a desire to alleviate it. A compassionate word of life from the cross? How can that be? How does one show compassion when one is hanging from the cross? Is that possible for someone who is undergoing so much suffering to put the needs of someone else first? Come and explore these questions with us tonight at Lenten Worship service at Our…Keep Reading