Youth Ministry

At Our Savior’s Lutheran Church, youth are an integral part of our ministry in so many ways. We believe that a child’s faith grows through relationships – within a family, between home and church, and a personal relationship with Jesus. As a church that cares about youth and their faith, we support numerous opportunities for faith development.

D.O.G. Night (Disciples of God)
In this Preschool through Grade 5 ministry, Our Savior’s provides an experience with the Bible and faith in an innovate format – rotation style. Children learn a new bible story and lesson each week through art, storytelling, games, music, drama or puppets, movies, geography or map exercises, cooking and exploring ideas.

Youth Group-Middle School and High School
The phrase “faith is caught more than it is taught” rings true with our OSL Youth Group. Through the activities planned, relationships are built and faith is practiced.