
There are four different ways you can donate to Our Savior’s Lutheran Church.

The first way to donate is by clicking on the “Simply Giving” button below to set up a monthly withdrawal from your checking or savings account. The Simply Giving form can be printed, filled out with the correct information, and signed. Once the form is completed and a voided check is attached, please mail it to the Church office or place it in a sealed envelope in the offering plate.

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact the church, or visit the Contact page to leave a message (please do not leave any account #’s in the message). We are excited to begin offering this great way to donate to the church by ACH deposit from your bank account.

The second way you to donate is to purchase a product from Amazon using the link below. Our Savior’s will receive a small percentage of your purchase price for being an Amazon Affiliate. You don’t have to do anything more than click on the button below each time you shop at Amazon. The price for your products does not increase, but because you are passing through our website, we will receive a small amount of commission for advertising Amazon.

NOTE: You do have to click on the button below each time you want to purchase something from Amazon for Our Savior’s Lutheran to receive the Affiliate credits.

We thank you ahead of time for choosing to link through us for your purchase.  At this time, Amazon Affiliate monies will be put into the general fund. At a later date, we will be looking at possibly donating these funds to a specific mission at the church. Our Book of the Month Club purchases are directed through Amazon to obtain this credit.

Our Savior's Lutheran Church PayPal Donation Button

We are excited to announce that Our Savior’s Lutheran Church in Hermosa has added to our toolbox as a way for our worshipers and supports to be a disciple through giving. The link to download the app or tithe online is here: Please check it out and let us know if you have any questions. is a free app and website that allows you to give directly to Our Savior’s.

For those who like to write a check as part of their act of worship, your are invited and encouraged to continue to do so. Checks can be mailed to Our Savior’s Lutheran Church at PO Box 136, Hermosa, SD 57744. The mission of the OSL continues. It just looks a little different now.

Another way to donate is to choose the Our Savior’s Lutheran Church Portal on via MarketAmerica. Just click on the button below and shop as you normally would.

Our Savior’s Lutheran Church thanks you for your donation and support!