Featured Friday Christian Artist: Danen Kane – When Our Time Here Is Over
This week’s Featured Friday Christian Artist is Danen Kane, featuring his When Our Time Here Is Over – Flesh and Soul. In Flesh and Soul, Danen Kane presents the internal war we all fight; a struggle between our humanity and holiness. With funky grooves and a sense of urgency, When Our Time Here Is Over – Flesh and Soul calls us to focus on the important things instead of vain addictions that we routinely devout our time, money and devotion to. By living our life fully focused on the Living Son we ensure we aren’t left with regrets at the eleventh hour.
We strongly encourage you to check out the rest of Flesh and Soul – Danen Kane today.
If you are unable to see the YouTube video above, the direct link is: https://youtu.be/hDlUUPUl2Xc.