NeSoDak Bible Camp 2021
Getting ready to head out on the road -
Roadtrip to NeSoDak! -
Snack time selfie -
Daniel…the camp counselor balloon artist! -
Look Mom, I passed my swim test!
I can’t sing because I lost my voicing shouting too much during the game -
Sneaking a picture at worship time -
“Farmer, Farmer. Can I cross your pasture?” Morning all camp activity -
Bible study at the cabin of Galilee -
Gerly (counselor from Columbia) and Rylan -
New eating area is awesome! -
Campers love getting mail -
My office view for part of the day! -
Afternoon water time! -
Kayl in the kayak -
“Whoooo” says Rylan -
Rylan on the corkl. (New this year) -
William on the paddleboard -
Rylan on the paddleboard -
Mail Time! -
KP Duty for this cabin A little GaGa ball during cabin time KP Duty for this cabin -
A little GaGa ball during cabin time -
It’s time to eat again! Great food at camp! -
Great kitchen staff -
Fun making mailboxes for our cabin mates! -
Evening Worship -
Goodnight Campers -
A little volleyball before bed -
And, of course, bedtime snack! Tonight it is popcorn ball bars with melted chocolate on top! Soooo good!
Rylan’s cabin had KP after brunch! -
“Pastor Deb, take a picture of me in the water.” -
Canteen time! -
“Another picture? REALLY?” -
“Yeah, they have Sierra Mist” -
The fabulous canteen crew, including Director Vickie Foss and Program Director Nash! (Awesome leaders in my opinion) -
A little nine square time. Can you find Kayl and William? -
And there is Rylan… -
Bible study with the boys -
Jill, Kris, Norman, Abby and Vickie…some of the amazing staff at camp. Norman was there for date night -
Look how dressed up he looks! All the girls love him Kris letting us know it is pasta night. Very exciting. Look how dressed up he looks! All the girls love him -
Kris letting us know it is pasta night. Very exciting. Look, mom, I took some zoodles! (Zucchini pasta dish Kris letting us know it is pasta night. Very exciting. -
Look, mom, I took some zoodles! (Zucchini pasta dish) -
“My food is half gone!” -
Hanging out with Norman! -
KP duty on Thursday for Katelyn’s cabin -
Tie dye time! -
Showing off my bracelet Kaytlyn made me -
Closing worship! -
Pharaoh Pharaoh” -
Rylan’s cabin mates and counselor -
Awesome campers -
Heading home -
One last picture before we are home -