Mission of the Moment – Wildfire Relief

“You who live in the shelter of the  Most High, who abide in the shadow of the Almighty, will say to the Lord, ‘My refuge and my fortress; my God, in whom I trust’”.    Psalm 91:1-2

You are home and you hear a knock at the door. An official tells you to pack your essentials and evacuate, as a wildfire is speeding toward you. Some of you have lived through this.  Others can only imagine.  This is the situation many of our neighbors in the western part of the country are facing right now.

     Fueled by a heat wave and unfavorable winds, devastating wildfires are raging across California,   Oregon, Washington and other western states. At least 20 people have died, hundreds of thousands of people are under evacuation orders and more than 3.5 million acres have burned across the three states. Some evacuees face the difficult decision of whether to stay in a shelter during the COVID-19 pandemic.

     For the next several weeks, you can help by contributing to OSL’s Mission of the Moment.  We are partnering with Lutheran Disaster Response through collecting financial donations for U.S. wildfire    survivors.  LDR is engaging with at least three Lutheran social services agencies and five synods to    assess the situation and determine the best ways to respond. They expect immediate needs may include food and other necessities, as well as emotional and spiritual care for those who have been traumatized.  100% of your financial gifts will be used to assist those affected by wildfires in the US until the response is complete.  This assistance is available to everyone in affected communities, not just Lutherans.

     Mission of the Moment donations can be placed in the Globe Offering or offering baskets during worship.  (The ushers are more than willing to assist.)  Donations can also be sent to OSL at PO Box 136.  Checks can be made out to OSL with “US Wildfires” or “Mission” written in the memo. 

     Even as we face multiple crises, together we can reflect Christ’s light and hope to our neighbors in their time of need.  Thank you for your generosity.