From the Pastor’s Desk – November 2013

From the Pastor’s Desk – November 2013

The Imprints of Faith – Passing on the Faith, Every Adult Needs…

To be a regular participant in adult religious education.

It is important to talk to one another about what we read and learn in the Bible and about how it applies to our lives today. It is important to talk to one another about faith. During our confirmation program, before youth are confirmed, they write out their faith statements – what they believe. They do this after having two years of instruction to cover the Bible as well as the small catechism (Ten Commandments, Lord’s Prayer, Apostle’s Creed, Holy Baptism, Holy Communion, office of the keys). How many of you, as adults, would find it difficult to articulate what you believe?

As the busyness of life has taken over extra time for many people, it becomes harder to meet together.  Periodically we offer small group Bible study, book study, or prayer time for adults. However, as much as many of you want to participate, it doesn’t happen. What to do? Many parents are joining their children in their workshops on DOG Night. Not only do they get a chance to spend time with their children, but they also receive an opportunity to learn about faith alongside them. With the growth of technology, new opportunities for faith growth also abound. Many people will have a daily Bible verse or devotion come directly to their phone. Others will check their church website or Facebook page for inspiration. (Hint, check out our website at

Whatever is done is not done to show off to others or to mark a check off of our to do list, but is done in order to strengthen us in our relationships. When we spend time with God, we seem to be better able to see God in other people. Why? We are caring for ourselves and our relationship with God – what matters more than anything else. When our interior life is active, it affects our exterior life – our relationship with others.

Take a moment to think about how you would articulate what you believe. If you struggle with it, maybe it’s time to give yourself a break so that you can take a moment to care for your relationship with a loving God.

The working list we are using is from a book entitled Making a Home For Faith: Nurturing the Spiritual Life of Your Children by Elizabeth F. Caldwell and is actually entitled “Every Parent Needs.”
However, I think it can be said that it isn’t just parents that need these things, but all adults. All of us are a part of a faith community. All of us promise to support and pray for those who are newly baptized, but how often do we think of acting on those promises? What better way to be able to pass on the faith than to know what we are passing on!

In Christ,
Pastor Becky