DOG Night Families…Here is Something New For Your Kiddos!!!
Hello to all our DOG Night families! We wish we could be together and see all your smiling faces each week. In order to continue to keep all our kids and volunteers healthy and safe, we just aren’t ready to go back into the building yet. But….we still think of you each week and miss you like crazy! So we are going to be sending out a new video each week for your kids to enjoy. Some of them will be from a series called “Church at Home” and some of them will be of DOG Night volunteers, leaders and THE PUPPETS! We hope you enjoy the videos and know that JESUS LOVES YOU AND SO DO WE!
There are 3 separate videos to enjoy depending on your child(ren)’s age. The “Toddler” video is great for Pre-K and Kindergarten kids. The “Early Childhood” is geared for kids Grades 1-4. The “Elementary videos are great for kids Grades 5-8.
Feel free to share with your friends and family!!