DOG Night-Lent- “There Are Many Ways to Pray”

DOG Night-Lent- “There Are Many Ways to Pray”

FOLD YOUR HANDS AND BOW YOUR HEADS…let’s pray. Did you know that there are many many many different ways to pray? You don’t have to be still. You don’t have to fold your hands and bow your heads. You can do it while you read the newspaper, you can pray playing with your toys. You can pray anytime, anywhere, in anyway, and God will hear you. Let us take you…Keep Reading

DOG Night Families…Here is Something New For Your Kiddos!!! Night Families…Here is Something New For Your Kiddos!!!

Hello to all our DOG Night families! We wish we could be together and see all your smiling faces each week. In order to continue to keep all our kids and volunteers healthy and safe, we just aren’t ready to go back into the building yet. But….we still think of you each week and miss you like crazy! So we are going to be sending out a new video each…Keep Reading

DOG Night Bedtime Story

DOG Night Bedtime Story

“God Gave Us Christmas” Facebook YouTube

DOG Night Live Messages! Night Live Messages!

Join Pastor Deb online each Wednesday to hear a message just for the DOG Night kids and the Youth Group kids! We sure are missing seeing their beautiful faces! April 15th- “Easter Egg Hunt Story” April 8th- “The Week That Led to Easter” April 1st- “Jesus Enters Jerusalem-A Palm Sunday Story” FB: March 25th- “God In Between” FB: YouTube: March 18th – “Feelings” FB: YouTube:

Let’s have an Easter Egg Hunt

COVID-19 doesn’t have to stop you from having great time hunting for eggs and telling our faith story. Bible Games Central offers a wonderful way to make your own Resurrection Eggs, use them to tell the story of Holy Week and then have lots of fun playing other games. Check out these resources which are fun for many ages. Pastor Deb would love to receive pictures of your batch of…Keep Reading