Sermon Sneak Peek Sneak Peek

Frederick Buechner once said that “doubts are the ants in the pants of faith.  They keep it awake and moving.”  As I prepare my message for Sunday I am wondering what is keeping you awake and moving in your faith?  My hope is those ants having you moving to gather together at Our Savior’s Lutheran on Sunday morning at 9:30 am with your community of faith so we can explore…Keep Reading

November’s Mission of the Month’s Mission of the Month

You are invited to wrap others in God’s love during this season of  Thanksgiving and Christmas by helping local families celebrate Christmas in their homes.  We are working with the Hermosa School this year to help families by providing gifts for under the tree and food to fill empty cupboards. There are two ways you can help: 1.Take a leaf (or two) from the tree in the main entryway and…Keep Reading

D.O.G. Night Week 11

D.O.G. Night Week 11

We had a great night!  Click on the Facebook link below to see all the photos! D.O.G. (Disciples of God) Night is Wednesday nights from 5:15-7. All children ages 4 thru 8th grade are welcome to join in!    

“Together in Advent” Bible Study“Together in Advent” Bible Study

Hope to see everyone there!  Invite a friend to come along!

Looking Ahead for Advent Ahead for Advent

Here is a look ahead for this Advent Season at OSL! More details about each event will follow shortly.  Mark your calendars!