November’s Mission of the Month
You are invited to wrap others in God’s love during this season of Thanksgiving and Christmas by helping local families celebrate Christmas in their homes. We are working with the Hermosa School this year to help families by providing gifts for under the tree and food to fill empty cupboards.
There are two ways you can help:
1.Take a leaf (or two) from the tree in the main entryway and purchase the gift written on the leaf. Bring the wrapped gift or gift certificate WITH THE LEAF ATTACHED, back to the church by Dec. 3.
2. Give a financial donation to the Mission of the Month. These donations will be used for gift certificates to give families to empower them to purchase needed items for their families to celebrate Christmas.
To contribute financially, please drop your donation in the Globe offering or in the offering plate. Please write checks to Our Savior’s with “Mission” in the memo line.