God’s Work. Our Hands. Pine Ridge Retreat Center

God’s Work. Our Hands. Pine Ridge Retreat Center

Here is a chance to make a difference in the lives of others. Pine Ridge Retreat Center is in need of the following donations: MOST NEEDED AS THEY ARE COMPLETELY OUT – Personal care/hygiene kits (adult size toothbrush, toothpaste, bath size bar of soap, shampoo and comb all wrapped in a new towel and tied with a ribbon or string) Diapers of all sizes and wipes (large diaper sizes are…Keep Reading

Sermon Sneak Peek: April 10, 2016

Sermon Sneak Peek: April 10, 2016

Hydaulophone. Cajon. Saul. Lur. Zeusaphone. Peter. Pyraphone. You. Didjeridoo. Me. Faith. What do these words have in common? Why are they showing up here? What could they possibly have to do with our relationship with God and others? I promise it will make more sense tomorrow as we gather together at Our Savior’s Lutheran for worship. Come and hear and see. All are welcome! Pastor Deb

Sermon Sneak Peek: Leaving Room

Sermon Sneak Peek: Leaving Room

Leaving Room He is risen! The alleluias are back. Our faith is strong and perfect, right? Well… Maybe we need to still leave room. Leave room for the fears and the doubts…for the questions and the wonderments…for learning and meeting the Risen Christ experiences. Join us at Our Savior’s Lutheran on Sunday at 9:30 am as we explore leaving room in our lives for less than perfect faith. All are…Keep Reading

Globe Offering at OSL

Globe Offering at OSL

There is a new strange object at the front of the sanctuary at OSL. No, it is not an UFO. It is the Globe offering container, a new permanent worship fixture. During the act of worship by giving of our financial resources (also known as offering), the offering plates will be passed as usual to collect for our mission plan and other regular expenses. But, during this time, we will…Keep Reading

Living Lent: PALMS

Living Lent: PALMS

We enter Holy Week Living Lent As People of the Resurection as we gather to focus on the word PALMS. While we know the resurrection is on the horizon, we will welcome with palms in our hands the King of glory, now humbly riding a donkey. Join newly called Pastor Deb Grismer and all of the worshippers at Our Savior’s Lutheran as we celebrate Palm Sunday worship at 9:30 am…Keep Reading