Globe Offering at OSL
There is a new strange object at the front of the sanctuary at OSL. No, it is not an UFO. It is the Globe offering container, a new permanent worship fixture. During the act of worship by giving of our financial resources (also known as offering), the offering plates will be passed as usual to collect for our mission plan and other regular expenses. But, during this time, we will also be collecting a special offering in our Globe container that will be used to support God’s work outside of our building.
Most of the time this offering will be put towards our Mission of the Month. However, sometimes (like this week and next) it will go to a special project. The bulletin will specify each week where the money given in the Globe offering is going. The Globe will not be passed around. Instead, children and adults alike are encouraged to get out of their seats and walk (or run) forward to place their Globe offering in the globe. It is a great excuse to move during the worship service and participate in a very kinesthetic act of worship.
This week’s Globe offering will go to Meghan and Jack Corr to aid in their mission trip to Haiti. We hope you encourage both young and old to join us each week in our Globe Offering!