God’s Work. Our Hands. Pine Ridge Retreat Center
Here is a chance to make a difference in the lives of others.
Pine Ridge Retreat Center is in need of the following donations:
- MOST NEEDED AS THEY ARE COMPLETELY OUT – Personal care/hygiene kits (adult size toothbrush, toothpaste, bath size bar of soap, shampoo and comb all wrapped in a new towel and tied with a ribbon or string)
- Diapers of all sizes and wipes (large diaper sizes are in particular need)
- New quilts and blankets
- Financial funding (for heating assistance, sandwich ministry, after school program, Center upkeep, etc.)
Pastor Deb will be traveling to the Retreat Center on Tuesday, April 19 for the Bear Butte Rostered Leaders Gathering. She would love to take some donations from the OSL community of faith with her. Items and financial donations can be dropped off at OSL through Monday afternoon. THE GLOBE OFFERING ON SUNDAY, APRIL 17 WILL GO TO THE PINE RIDGE RETREAT CENTER TO SUPPORT THEIR MINISTRIES.