Sermon Sneak Peek | You are Salt and Light

Sermon Sneak Peek | You are Salt and Light

You are the best of the best of the best. You are blessed. This week Jesus declares you are salt and light. How have you been salt and light this week? Food for thought as we gather together for worship on Sunday morning at 9:30 am. Pastor Deb

January 29, 2017 | Sermon Sneak Peek “The Teaching’s of Christ-Blessings”

January 29, 2017 | Sermon Sneak Peek “The Teaching’s of Christ-Blessings”

Just a reminder – You are the best of the best of the best. How do I know? Not because the world says so but because Jesus says so when he choose you to be his disciples. So now what? What are these teaching of Jesus that we are supposed to learn and take on as disciples of Jesus? Join me on Sunday as we begin a four week series…Keep Reading

2016 Annual Meeting Highlights

2016 Annual Meeting Highlights

** As a reminder, these are just highlights of the meeting and not the official meeting minutes. The official meeting minutes of Church Council are posted on the bulletin board downstairs after approval at the next meeting. These minutes are published for transparency, not for the official meeting minutes.** Members of Our Savior’s Lutheran Church met on January 22, 2017 following worship for the Annual Meeting of the Congregation. The…Keep Reading

Annual Meeting of the Congregation | January 22, 2017

Annual Meeting of the Congregation | January 22, 2017

What. Annual Meeting of the Our Savior’s Lutheran Congregation When. January 22, 2017, Following Worship at approximately 10:30am Where. Our Savior’s Lutheran Church, Hermosa, SD This important gathering of your family of faith offers a time to look back on the past year as well as plan for 2017 and beyond. All OSL worshippers are encouraged to attend. All confirmed and/or adult members of the congregation will have the opportunity…Keep Reading

Sermon Sneak Peek | January 22, 2017

Sermon Sneak Peek | January 22, 2017

Do you have what it takes to be a disciple? Pastor Deb