2016 Annual Meeting Highlights
** As a reminder, these are just highlights of the meeting and not the official meeting minutes. The official meeting minutes of Church Council are posted on the bulletin board downstairs after approval at the next meeting. These minutes are published for transparency, not for the official meeting minutes.**
Members of Our Savior’s Lutheran Church met on January 22, 2017 following worship for the Annual Meeting of the Congregation. The meeting was led by Council President, Jack Corr. Copies of the Annual Report are available in the church office.
The following 2016 reports were approved as printed in the Annual Report:
*2016 Annual Meeting Minutes
*2016 Treasurer’s Report
*Committee and Team Reports
Pastor Deb Grismer thanked the congregation for all of their hard in the past year. She also offered several focus points for ministry for the congregation in 2017.
President Jack Corr thanked the congregation as well as Marvin Bishop for his work as treasurer. Marvin would like to step down as treasurer. A new treasurer for the congregation is needed. Jack also commented that it might benefit the congregation if the president was allowed to serve another term. After some additional conversation, the topic was tabled.
A new mission statement for the congregation was approved. “We invite, encourage, educate and empower all people to follow God and serve others.”
Rex Jorgensen, Director of the YMCA in Custer, was a guest at the meeting as the congregation discussed the possibility of allowing the Y to use church space for a preschool. After good discussion, the congregation voted to give authority to the church council to partner with the Y to provide a space for a preschool if the need for one is established.
Outgoing Council members Jack Corr and Crystal Wiles were thanked for their work. Wyone Leonard and Gloria Olawsky were elected as new Council members with Mike Baschnagel elected to serve as alternate.
Bob Tesch was thanked for his years of mowing the church and parsonage lawn. He has stepped down from that position.
January Council Meeting Highlights
The Church Council met for a brief meeting following the annual meeting. Outgoing Council members were thanked for their service. New Council members were welcomed. Rex Jorgensen thanked the Council for their support in partnering with the YMCA.
New Council officers were elected:
Greg Neugebauer – President
Wyone Leonard – Vice President
Adare Diers – Secretary
Marvin Bishop was appointed as Treasurer until a new Treasurer is found.
The next Council meeting is Wednesday, February 8 at 7:15 pm.