Backyard Vacation Bible School – Register Now
That’s right! A VBS you can attend right in your own backyard. And instead of 5 days, you can enjoy the fun for 5 weeks! Another excellent feature of this VBS is you don’t have to be a child to enjoy it! It’s set up for adults to do on their own as well! We are very excited to be able to get this children’s ministry out to our community and share it with as many families as possible.
Please share the registration link below with your friends and family.
Beginning June 29th, every Monday for 5 weeks, we will email out the content/story for the week. Each week will include the story, a reflection section for adults and children, imagination station/craft, outdoor adventures, and a mission moment.
We will be preparing craft supplies boxes that will contain all the supplies needed for the craft projects for all 5 weeks. When you register online for VBS, please make sure to let us know if you want us to create a craft supply box for your household.
Again, please share this information and registration link with anyone that you wish, different congregations, EVERYONE! We can’t wait to get started!!
You can call or email me with any questions/comments you may have! Mon-Thurs 10:00am-3:00pm 605-255-4662
Register here: