OSL Church Directory Deadline March 15

OSL Church Directory Deadline March 15

A Message from Sage Studios, LLC: The OSL Directory deadline is March 15. If you have not picked a photo to use for the directory, please take a few minutes and follow the instructions below. Go to our web site Click on Enter Site. Click on Web Order. Click on Directory Portraits. Click on Our Saviors. Use the password OSL. You can chose the image online or give us…Keep Reading

Special Congregational Meeting Results in Unanimous Vote

Special Congregational Meeting Results in Unanimous Vote

The Special Congregational Meeting held to accept the call of full-time Pastor Deb Grismer resulted in a unanimous vote in favor of the recommendation! In today’s society, a unanimous vote speaks volumes. We welcome (back…) Pastor Deb and her family with loving arms and can’t wait for her to begin her call with us in March. Stay tuned for more information.

Sermon Sneak Peek: Living Lent – PROCLAIM

Sermon Sneak Peek: Living Lent – PROCLAIM

Join us for Living Lent, a special series of services for the season of Lent. Each service in this series focuses on a word to consider while living Lent as Easter people. Week Three in the series is based on the word PROCLAIM and reminds us that our proclamation of the Savior brings faith to life. Join us on Sunday at 9:30am for worship service as we remember that we…Keep Reading

Lenten Service: The Miraculous Earthquake

Lenten Service: The Miraculous Earthquake

“And the earth shook.” (Matthew 27:51b) When an organization desires to draw people to an event, they will use various means. When God desired to draw people’s attention to His Son’s death on the cross for the sins of the world, He used an earthquake. God uses miracles to get us to pay attention to His saving Word. Learn more at the Wednesday night Lenten Services at 7:15pm at Our…Keep Reading

Sermon Sneak Peek: Living Lent – People

Sermon Sneak Peek: Living Lent – People

Join us on Sunday at 9:30am for worship service as we continue our special series for the season of Lent. Each service in this series focuses on a a word to consider while living Lent as Easter people. Week Two in the series is based on the word PEOPLE and reminds us that we are called to be among people in this world. People matter to God; he sent Jesus…Keep Reading