Synod News: 2015 Synod Assembly Info and Registration
2015 Synod Assembly Info and Registration
“Listen God Is Calling: Never Be the Same” on May 29-30 with a workshop and activities on May 28 at Calvary Lutheran, Rapid City. Online Registration will open on April 6 and close on May 15. Guest speaker and ELCA Churchwide representative will be Rev. Dr. Robin Steinke, President of Luther Seminary and guest worship leader and musician will be Jay Beech.
The Preliminary Report and Assembly Materials will be available on the synod website and Synod Assembly Guidebook App on Wednesday, April 29.
The year’s Synod Assembly offerings will be split between Cedro Galan in Nicaragua and the Campus Ministries General Fund.
A proposed agenda will be posted with the preliminary report, but the assembly will begin on Friday with worship at 9:30 am and conclude on Saturday at noon.
Pre-assembly Worship Workshop with Jay Beech
Thursday, May 28, 2:30 pm – 5:00 pm at Calvary Lutheran, Rapid City
Jay Beech will highlight some of the foundations of worship and teach techniques for song leading. He will also demonstrate different methods of accompanying, including exciting ways to play traditional hymns with a worship band. Most of the time, however, will be spent learning great new music from a variety of sources. All are welcome even if you are not attending Synod Assembly.
Cost is $30 per person. Registration will open April 6 on the synod website.
If anyone is interested in attending and being a voting member, please be sure to contact Our Savior’s Lutheran Church Council President Bill or drop a line to Pastor Deb.