Sermon Sneak Peek – July 9, 2017 | Rebuilding After a Disaster Sneak Peek – July 9, 2017 | Rebuilding After a Disaster

How do you rebuild after a disaster? Many of us, unfortunately, have needed to figure that out in our lives. We are not alone. As we read through the Old Testament we realize that God’s Chosen People had to rebuild their lives over and over and over again. What can we learn from them and apply to our lives today?

Join us on Sunday morning at 9:30 am as we look to Nehemiah and his leadership as the Israelites once again are in a place of rebuilding.

OSL Administrative Assistant Job Opening Administrative Assistant Job Opening

Our Savior’s Lutheran Church in Hermosa, SD has an Administrative Assistant position opening. Work with a spirit-filled congregation and an energetic pastor Grace-filled and comfortable work environment 30 hours a week/year round employment See the full job description for more information For more information contact Pastor Deb Grismer at or call 605-890-0781 between 9:00 am – 9:00 pm. To apply for this position, please fill out the employment application…Keep Reading

Sermon Sneak Peek | Worrier to a Warrior? Sneak Peek | Worrier to a Warrior?

As we continue our 90 day journey of faith, we come upon yet another unlikely hero in God’s story – Gideon. Gideon was a cowardly nobody but yet God chose him to lead the nation of Israel against a mighty foe. So how does God change a worrier to a warrior? Join us on Sunday at worship as we explore this question and wonder if we too might be another…Keep Reading

Sermon Sneak Peek | Stranded in the Desert Sneak Peek | Stranded in the Desert

Would you survive if you were stranded in the desert? What survival skills would be most important? Join us at worship on Sunday morning at 9:30 am at Our Savior’s Lutheran as we look to Moses for tips on how to survive in the desert. Pastor Deb

Sermon Sneak Peek | June 11, 2017 – Faith-Lift? Sneak Peek | June 11, 2017 – Faith-Lift?

On the Journey of Faith, are you due for a faith-lift? What can we learn from Abraham and his story that will help our faith to grow? You are invited to be a part of our journey of faith as we gather for worship on Sunday morning at 9:30 am to open God’s Word and experience a little faith-lift. Pastor Deb Don’t forget – Second Sunday Breakfast is being served…Keep Reading