Prayers to First Baptist Church

Prayers to First Baptist Church

Our thoughts and prayers go out to Sutherland Springs, TX, and to all of the victims and their families involved in the shooting at First Baptist Church. “The Lord is near to the brokenhearted and saves the crushed in spirit.” Psalm 34:18

All Saints’ Sunday Saints’ Sunday

What a beautiful service today, on All Saints’ Sunday, lighting candles for all those that have passed away in the last year. It was a wonderful opportunity to think of them, to miss them, to remember we always have the memories, to rejoice that they are with the Lord, and to think how awesome that must be!

Daylight Savings Time! Savings Time!

Don’t forget to turn your clocks back 1 hour, Sunday at 2 AM. Enjoy your extra hour of sleep!  

Music to Remember Our Loved Ones

Music to Remember Our Loved Ones

As we approach All Saints’ Sunday, and we remember all those that we loved and cared for while they were here with us, this is an amazing song to bring your heart some peace, knowing they are with the Lord, and what an amazing place that must be! “I can only imagine!”  

All Saints’ Sunday Service

All Saints’ Sunday Service

Reminder: This coming Sunday, November 5th is All Saints’ Sunday. This will be a special service where the names of those that have passed away in the last year will be read, and a candle will be lit for them. All family members and friends of those that have passed are more than welcome to come join in on the service, as we honor those that we have lost in…Keep Reading