Sermon Sneak Peek: January 4, 2014 Sneak Peek: January 4, 2014

What’s the “good word” for the new year? Did you ever notice that in John’s first chapter, he does not name Jesus until verse 17? Before that, John uses “the word” and “light.” Could it be that the “good word” for our new year continues to be Jesus? Join us in worship tomorrow at 9:30 am as we gather to celebrate the good word. Blessings, Pastor Becky

Making Changes: Risky Transformation Changes: Risky Transformation

A new calendar year often brings a fresh perspective with promises of a clean slate. We remember the past year and take inventory of successes and failures. We also look ahead with hope and anticipation of what will be. New Year’s resolutions abound. Our promises create a lovely tapestry. We vow many things: to live in the moment, eat right, exercise more, learn to say “no,” go back to school,…Keep Reading

Sermon Sneak Peek: December 28, 2014

Sermon Sneak Peek: December 28, 2014

The sermon sneak peek is that there will be no sermon! Join us at 9:30am for the last worship of 2014, for a service of scripture readings & songs as we continue to celebrate the birth of Christ. There will be special music by some of our young people and we will also be celebrating 4 baptisms. Blessings, Pastor Becky

Sermon Sneak Peek: December 21, 2014 Sneak Peek: December 21, 2014

Luke 1 invites us to ponder, “Why Mary? What’s so special about her?” At the same time we may wonder, “Why us? Does God notice us and choose us?” It is helpful to realize that before Mary says yes to God, she is blessed by God. On Sunday, we arrive at Advent 4 while glancing ahead to the gift of love ready to be delivered for all of us on…Keep Reading

Sermon Sneak Peek: December 14, 2014

Sermon Sneak Peek: December 14, 2014

Last Sunday brought us the story of John the Baptist from the gospel of Mark and “how” we prepare the way of The Lord. This Sunday we are reintroduced to John the witness through the gospel of John to ponder together “why” we are called to be a witness and prepare the way of The Lord. The third Sunday in Advent we light our 3rd candle and pray for peace….Keep Reading