Online Tithing with
We are excited to announce that Our Savior’s Lutheran Church in Hermosa has added to our toolbox as a way for our worshipers and supporters to be a disciple through giving. The link to download the app or tithe online is here: Please check it out and let us know if you have any questions.
Giving is such an important part of worship. Not being able to gather together in worship and “pass the plate” has restricted how we can practice our faith through giving. Tithe-ly is a free app and website that allows you to give directly to Our Savior’s.
For those who like to write a check as part of their act of worship, your are invited and encouraged to continue to do so. Checks can be mailed to Our Savior’s Lutheran Church at PO Box 136, Hermosa, SD 57744. The mission of the OSL continues. It just looks a little different now.