Holy Week at Our Savior’s Lutheran
6:30 pm Worship Service & Communion
We remember this day the events in the upper room the night before Jesus dies. The most common readings for this day from Matthew, Luke, and Mark focus on the institution of the Lord’s Supper and the eating of the Passover meal. The readings from John focus on the words of Jesus and His washing of the feet of the disciples.
The name “Maundy” comes from, “Mandatum novum” – words from John 13:34, meaning “a new commandment.” Since it was on this night that Jesus instituted the Lord’s Supper, Communion has often been the chief emphasis of Maundy Thursday services.
6:30 pm Worship Service
Christ’s crucifixion and death at Calvary are observed. During His last 3 hours on the cross, darkness fell over the land. At the end, with a loud cry, Jesus gave up His spirit. There was an earthquake, tombs broke open, and the curtain in the Temple was torn from top to bottom. The centurion on guard at the crucifixion declared, “Truly this was God’s Son!” Pilate asks confirmation from the centurion whether Jesus is dead. A soldier pierced the side of Jesus with a lance causing blood and water to flow out, and the centurion informs Pilate that Jesus is dead.
Joseph of Arimathea took Jesus’ body, wrapped it in a clean linen shroud, and placed it in a garden tomb that had been carved in the rock near the site of crucifixion. They rolled a large rock over the entrance of the tomb, and returned home to rest because Shabbat had begun.
9:00 am Helpers needed to hide eggs.
10:00 am All children up to the 5th Grade are welcome. Bring your own baskets.
7:00 am Sunrise Worship Service
A potluck brunch will be held between services.
9:30 am Traditional Easter Service
Easter is the celebration of Christ’s resurrection. The word “easter” and the German “Ostern” refer to the direction from which the sun rises. This symbolism was transferred to the resurrection of Christ who brings us new life. The resurrection of Jesus, which Easter celebrates, is a foundation of the Christian faith. The resurrection established Jesus as the powerful Son of God and has given Christians “a new birth into a living hope through the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead”. Christians, through faith in the workings of God, are spiritually resurrected with Jesus so that we may walk in a new way of life.
We hope you join us during these Holy Week activities and services. We grow in Holy Week not by imitating Christ’s last days, but we grow as the Holy Spirit works through the Gospel and Sacrament that we hear and receive.
We welcome others to join us in worshiping and serving Christ.