Hermosa 2nd Grade: Giving Tree Project for Children Home’s Society
The Hermosa 2nd grade class and teacher, Becky Lowe, decided to take the lead on the Our Savior’s Lutheran Church Giving Tree Project this year. The students agreed that they would sell and make popcorn balls to raise money so they could purchase pajamas for the children at the Children’s Home Society, right here in the Black Hills.
The presale order forms went out and money came in raising around $450.00. This amount was supported by the congregation at Our Savior’s Lutheran Church purchasing many popcorn balls. But, after reviewing this amount, teacher Becky Lowe knew it would not be enough money to purchase pajamas for all of the 65 students at the Children’s Home. She was at a loss of what to do because she really wanted to make sure that the 2nd graders raised enough money to purchase all the pajamas for the 65 children. At that time, Becky sent an email to the Custer Elementary School to see if they would help. They were happy to assist with the project and were able to sell over $450.00 worth of additional popcorn balls.
Now that the pre-orders were completed, the 2nd grade class had their work cut out for them. The students and some of their fabulous parents got together and made around 1,000 popcorn balls.
When all was said and done, the grand total raised was $1,016.00. This was enough to supply all of the children at the Children’s Home Society with pajamas. And with a generous donation by the local Sears store, underwear and socks were also donated. The Hermosa Kindergarten Class has pledged to donate children’s book to the project, as well.
So, for everyone that is wondering why there was not a Giving Tree at Our Savior’s Lutheran this year, please know that a bunch of wonderful children, parents, community members and teachers opened up their hearts to children in need and took on the whole project with pride.
Becky Lowe, Hermosa 2nd Grade Teacher would like to thank everyone who made this project a huge success for the Hermosa 2nd grade students and children at the Children’s Home Society of the Black Hills. All have learned the true meaning of Christmas this year! May the peace of this Christmas season fill your heart and soul.