Sermon Sneak Peek | Palm Sunday

Sermon Sneak Peek | Palm Sunday

On Palm Sunday, Jesus rode into Jerusalem on a donkey, welcomed by crowds waving palm branches in celebration. At the end of the week he would take his final steps to the cross. Beginning with worship this Sunday, we will walk this week with Jesus to stand at the cross as we learn humility from the example of our humble King. We hope you can join us. Pastor Deb

Sermon Sneak Peek | What is Truth?

Sermon Sneak Peek | What is Truth?

“What is truth?” A question asked by Pilate as Jesus stood beside him. A question asked by many of us today. In our world we are surrounded by many philosophies and religions, all claiming to have the truth. In our Lenten worship this Sunday we will gather to worship Jesus our Savior, whose kingdom is a kingdom of truth and who is himself the Way and the Truth and Life….Keep Reading

Sermon Sneak Peek: Let All of Me Kneel Before God’s Holy Name

Sermon Sneak Peek: Let All of Me Kneel Before God’s Holy Name

What does Sugarland’s hit “Baby Girl” have to do with our Lenten journey Let All of Me Kneel Before God’s Holy Name? Come to worship tonight at 7:15 pm to find out as we worship God with our knees. Pastor Deb

Sermon Sneak Peek | Remember the Suffering of the Saints

Sermon Sneak Peek | Remember the Suffering of the Saints

We have the freedom during this Lenten season and always to gather for worship. Many of our brothers and sisters around the world do not enjoy such freedom. As we stand together at the cross, we remember the suffering of the saints who endure persecution for the sake of the Savior who suffered for them, and for us. You are invited to exercise this freedom on Sunday morning as we…Keep Reading

Sermon Sneak Peek: By Jesus’ Wounds We Are Healed

Sermon Sneak Peek: By Jesus’ Wounds We Are Healed

As we stand together at the cross on Sunday, we will see how Jesus suffered the penalty that we deserved for our sins. The Lamb of God suffered the penalty of death for us so that through faith in his name we have forgiveness and life. As we stand in suffering and as we stand around the altar to receive Communion, we recognize by Jesus’ wounds we are healed. I…Keep Reading