Ministry Moment Shared! “I Love to Tell The Story” A member of our congregation shared a story of when she was a small child. She was in Sunday School and they were learning about the devil. She raised her hand and told her teacher that they didn’t have to worry about the devil because…her Daddy had already killed that “dirty devil!” Turns out had had taken care of a “dirty…Keep Reading
This past week, OSL and God’s Cupboard received a call from a local woman named Tracy. She was calling to let someone know that she had a donation for the food bank. When she arrived, her trunk was stacked FULL of all kinds of items to benefit those that need it in our community. It was so much that those helping her to unload her vehicle were truly touched and…Keep Reading
Joy Neugebauer shared this ministry moment with us today… Joy was playing the role of the “baker” at last weekend’s “An Afternoon in Bethlehem” event. While the children were eating their bread and honey, Joy was telling the story that Jesus was born in Bethlehem last night. And it was very special because he was supposed to be a King. She went on to explain that he had to be…Keep Reading
A young girl was asked what she learned at “At Afternoon in Bethlehem.” She said she learned that Jesus had two Daddies, Joseph and God. And Jesus’ mommy is Suzan. And in the stable there was a donkey, a sheep, and a black poodle. And Joseph said the animals were stinky, but she didn’t smell anything bad. Sharing the good news, and providing ministry can happen anywhere…and it’s contagious. If…Keep Reading
Yesterday morning, a little girl remembered that D.O.G. Night was in the evening. While getting ready for school, she gathered up all her change for her offering, and told her mom she needed to bring food with her also. (We did a food drive back in October to fill the shelves of the local community food bank.) We are not collecting food as the offering any more, but this sweet…Keep Reading