Annual Meeting & Chili Cook-Off for Charity
The Annual Meeting of Our Savior’s Lutheran Church will be held Sunday, January 19, 2014 following normal worship services at 9:30 am Mountain.
Thank you to everyone who turned in their reports by the deadline.
Three (3) year positions on the church council will be open as well as an alternate. Kevin Vining, Darrell Zuerlein, and Crystal Wiles (who replaced Dan Warren) have completed their terms. If you are interested in being nominated to serve on the council, please let a council member know. At this time we have five people running for council. Jack Corr, Dan Martin, Adare Diers, Greg Neugebauer, and Crystal Wiles. The present council members are: Bill Dennert (2), Russell Jensen (2), Alan Platt (1), Larry VanDreissen (1), Kevin Vining, Darrell Zuerlein, and Crystal Wiles.
A reminder that the council will meet briefly following the annual meeting.
We will also be having our CHILI/SOUP COOK-OFF COMPETITION. We hope that YOU will have an entry this year! There will be a $20 entry fee per contestant. The money collected will be donated in the winner’s name to the charity of their choice. The winner will also take home a traveling trophy!
This is also a good time of the year to think about in what ways you would like to be involved in the ministries of the congregation. Please consider serving on one of our committees.
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