Women’s Retreat at Outlaw Ranch
Women’s Retreat at Outlaw Ranch
A weekend for women to spend quality time with other women in the beautiful Black Hills.
April 17-19, 2015
“Rubber Band Emotions”
Face it ladies – God, in His infinite wisdom, created us with a whole slew of emotions that are often tangled together like a wad
of rubber bands. We will get together and try to untangle these emotions, name them and claim them as part of who we are and
then turn them over to God and God’s unending grace. With help from Patsy Clairmont and her book “I Second That Emotion,”
we will spend the weekend laughing, reflecting, rejoicing, and recognizing that we are in this business of a turbulent emotional
life together.
Resource Person:
Our session leader for the retreat is Pastor Deb Grismer from Hot Springs, South Dakota. Pastor Deb, Brownie (the dog) and her
rubber band wad of emotions moved to Hot Springs last fall to join her husband and begin a new adventure in her life as an
unemployed, empty nester. She is currently working as Interim Pastor at Our Savior’s Lutheran Church in Hermosa, a chaplain
at the South Dakota Veteran’s Home and is filling the rest of her time with whatever other opportunities God throws her way.
Cost includes two nights lodging, 3 meals Saturday, brunch on Sunday and all programming.
Lodge or Barn- $107, Cabin – $89
Commuter – $71
$45.00 Deposit per person (Deposit is non-refundable in case of cancellation) Please register by April 8, 2015.
For more info, contact Outlaw Ranch:
12703 Outlaw Ranch Rd, Custer SD 57730 Phone: 605-673-4040 Email: outlaw@losd.org
Other events coming up at Outlaw Ranch: Youth Camp Grades 3-6—June 7-12
Elementary Adventure Day—April 6 Youth Camp Grades 6-8—June 14-19
Passionate Quilters—May 1-3 and May 8-10 Adventures Grades 7-12—several dates still open
K-5 Parent/Grandparent Overnight—June 19-20 Black Hills Horse Riders Grades 7-12—June 28-July3
Early Bird Rates are in effect until April 15, so take advantage and get registered soon.