WELCA 2/14

WELCA 2/14

Our February WELCA meeting will be on February 14th beginning at 9:30. Our bible study will be out of our “Gather” magazine. We will continue our study, “Galatians-Christian Faith and Christian Freedom”. Session two is “Children of God through faith”. If you need a copy of the magazine there are extras in the church office. Pastor Deb will be leading the bible study and our hostess will be Judy Stanley.

Every 3 years WELCA has a Triannual gathering. The theme of the gathering is “all anew”. In 2017 the gathering will be in Minneapolis on July 13-16. At this time we have 2 ladies that are interested in going. Transportation and lodging have not been decided yet but this information is still in the works. Please let Pastor Deb or Paula Warren know if you have questions or are interested in going.