The B90 Challenge B90 Challenge

To use a baseball anology “after a slight rain delay, the game is back on!” The rain around here has not only come in the form of water to nourish our earth but also in things falling into my lap which put me (Pastor Deb) behind schedule. I apologize for that. However, after a slight rain delay, the Bible in 90 Days (B90) Whole-Church Challenge is on!! I am so excited! Beginning June 5, the whole congregation and beyond is invited to read the entire Bible in 90 days using a pre-determined specific reading plan. This challenge will end in a big celebration on September 3! This whole-church challenge will shape our worship services and include weekly small group Bible studies, prayer groups, reading guides and other tools to assist you along the way.

Top 10 Benefits of Joining this Challenge
1. It helps achieve a long-held goal (to read the entire Bible).
2. Provides an excellent overview of the sweeping story of scripture.
3. Starts a pattern of Bible reading that becomes a habit in your lives.
4. Enhances your understanding of what you are hearing in worship services and Bible studies.
5. Builds a deepened relationship with God.
6. It’s a Bible reading program, not a study: no doctrinal controversies.
7. Gain Biblical knowledge and understanding that builds confidence and faith.
8. It’s 90 days (not a year), which helps participants remember to connect key historical persons, events, and
more from Genesis to Revelation.
9. B90 groups build relationships, which contributes to a higher success rate of completing the readings.
10. Transformational: it’s God’s Word!

Children can join in by reading Bibles printed at their level or by being read to by others or by reading 90 Bible stories. If reading through the whole Bible is overwhelming, you can choose to read 90 Bible stories instead.

You can take your Bible with you when you travel to keep up with your reading, knowing others are reading right along with you reminding you that we are all part of one family of faith.

Small Group Opportunities
(Beginning week of June 5)

Wednesday mornings at 9:00 am in Pastor Deb’s office
Wednesday evenings at 8:00 pm at picnic tables by OSL playground or in Pastor Deb’s office
Sunday mornings at 8:00 am in OSL Fellowship Hall (or outside if weather permits)
Online at

Would you like to be a part of a small group Bible study but these times don’t work? Get a couple of friends to join you and ask Pastor Deb about meeting at another time! Interested in being a part of a prayer group? Please contact Pastor Deb for more information!

Let the challenge begin!