OSL Call Committee & Synod Informational Meeting

OSL Call Committee & Synod Informational Meeting

Your Call Committee here at OSL has come to its next step in calling a new Pastor. Representatives from our SD Synod office and our conference need to meet with our committee, council and the members of OSL. This is an information gathering time for the Support to Ministries Committee and our congregation. Questions are asked to gain a clear picture of the congregation’s needs in their pastor. For this reason, it is important that all groups of the congregation are represented at the meeting, including Sunday School teachers and leaders, musicians, board members, WELCA, youth and their leaders, and committees to name a few. Remember though, ALL who are involved with the ministry at OSL are invited to be a part of this gathering time.

The purpose of the study is to give many members of the congregation an opportunity to describe their needs, to tell their story. We will focus on the congregation’s concern for mission and ministry.

The meeting is set for AUGUST 11TH at 6:30 PM at OSL in the sanctuary.

Please, everyone mark your calendars and plan on attending!!!