New Member Gathering April 2015

New Member Gathering April 2015

Are you interested in learning more about what it means to be a member of Our Savior’s Lutheran? If so you are invited to be a part of our spring new member gathering. We will share in a simple meal together, visit about what it means to be a Christian who is a Lutheran and a member of an ELCA church as well as a part of the family of faith at OSL. You will be given
an opportunity to formerly join this community of faith but this is not a requirement. You can simply come to learn more. Invite your family and friends to join us.

When: Sunday, April 12 following our 10:30 am worship service
Where: Our Savior’s Lutheran Church fellowship hall
What to bring: Yourselves and family, if desired, along with your questions and wonderments.

The meal will be provided. We ask you call the church office at 605-255-4662 to register or email at to register so we make sure we have enough food and handouts. Feel
free to call and visit with Bill or Tammy Dennert, Marvin Neugebauer or Pastor Deb Grismer if you have any questions.