Lenten Worship Services 7:15pm

Lenten Worship Services 7:15pm

As we journey from the stable to the cross, we are continually reminded that we are called to walk with our Rabbi no matter where the road takes him or us so that we can learn from him and learn to be him. We are called to invite others to walk with us as well. During this season of Lent, you are invited to be a part of two worship series – Standing at the Cross on Sunday mornings and Let All of Me Kneel Before God’s Holy Name on Wednesday evenings. The journey begins on Ash Wednesday (March 1) and continues through Easter morning (April 16). May these series be tools that help us in our walk with Jesus as we grow in faith.

Sunday Mornings 9:30am
As a Lenten lead-in to the 500th anniversary of the Reformation, this Standing at the Cross series will focus on portions of sermons Martin Luther actually preached during Lent, Holy Week and Easter in the parishes where he served. As we stand with Luther at the foot of the cross each week, we contemplate the ways in which we stand firm in the faith as followers of Christ during this holy season.

Wednesday evenings – 7:15 pm
On Wednesdays we will focus on our bodily worship of the Triune God. When we come to worship, we are to engage all of our bodies in the art and act of worship – our heads and our hands, our knees and our arms, our lips and our eyes, our ears and our flesh. Biblical worship is not a disembodied activity, but an embodied reality.