Directory Pictures
It is time to create a new pictorial directory for Our Savior’s Lutheran Church. Sage Studios has agreed to capture all of the wonderful smiles of our congregation and will be photographing OSL members for a new directory on Saturday the 14th, and Sunday the 15th of November. What a perfect opportunity for you and your family to get a new professional portrait and to help us create a beautiful and up-to-date directory listing for our church and its members. It has been a long time since our last directory, so we would like to have everyone participate this year.
It is also the perfect item to order any gifts or cards for the holidays. Russell Jensen of Sage Studios has agreed to offer a discounted rate on any prints ordered and a portion of all sales will go toward the printing cost of the directory.
Sessions are limited, so hurry and sign up for one of the first available times today. Sessions are free and all images will be available for purchase online the following week and at a special OSL discounted rate. Sign up sheets will be posted and you can contact the church office to schedule for a time that is right for you and your family.
Call or Sign up today. Church office at 255-4662.