Annual Meeting & Chili Cook-Off Competition

Annual Meeting & Chili Cook-Off Competition

Annual Meeting of the Congregation
When: January 24 following worship
Where: OSL Sanctuary
Who: All OSL worshippers are invited to attend.

All OSL members will be given the opportunity to vote on important congregation matters.

Please mark your calendars now and plan on attending and actively participating in this important annual business meeting of the congregation. It will be a time to look back on the past year as well as look forward to the future of your family of faith. Written reports will be shared and informal discussion will be held. Important voting will take place on the mission plan as well as electing new council members. Your input is needed. As an added bonus, all are invited to stay for the Chili Cook-Off afterwards.

Your family of faith is looking for several members who are interested in helping lead this congregation by serving on the Church Council. As we look toward the annual meeting and the future of this congregation, please prayerfully consider using your gifts in this way to do God’s work. If you are interested or know someone who might be interested, please visit with one of your current Council members: Bill Dennert, Jack Corr, Crystal Wiles, Greg Neugebauer, Russell Jensen, Adare Diers or Kevin Vining.