Adult Christian Education Opportunity – Lifekeys

LifeKeys: Discover Who You Are

Discover where you fit best and how you can live more effectively

When: Wednesdays from 6:00 – 7:00 pm
Oct. 7 – Nov. 18
Facilitator: Margie Neugebauer

Lifekeys Discover Who You Are Adult Christian Education Opportunity at OSLHermosaAll adults are invited to gather together to work through this guide to uncovering your talents, spiritual gifts, passions, values and personalities – all that God made you to be. You might be surprised by what you discover about yourself and where God might be calling you to use your gifts and talents.

Please register by signing up at OSL or calling the office so we can make sure to have enough books. The cost of the book is $15.30.

*You are invited to join the D.O.G. Night crew for supper at 5:30.
**If you are interested in being a part of this faith building opportunity but Wednesday nights don’t work, please visit with Pastor Deb. If there is enough interest, we will attempt to find a second time to meet.

WRITTEN BY: Our Savior's Lutheran