The Reformation | Observing 500 Years

The Reformation | Observing 500 Years

It’s been said that in the history of Western civilization only one individual has had more books written about him than has Martin Luther: Jesus Christ. What was it this small town priest from a little known university in a town on the fringes of German society said and did that has caused generation after generation to assess the impact and fallout of events from 500 years ago? According to…Keep Reading

Sermon Sneak Peek: Can You See Me Now?

Sermon Sneak Peek: Can You See Me Now?

Can you see me now? How about now? On the street? In the classroom? At work? What happens when we don’t see one another as who we all are, children of God, created in God’s image? Hard lessons to hear but much to be learned. More to come on Sunday at the 9:30 am worship service at Our Savior’s Lutheran Church. All are welcome. Hope to see you there. Pastor…Keep Reading

Sermon Sneak Peek: Luke 16

Sermon Sneak Peek: Luke 16

Just when I thought I had this Jesus guy sort of figured out along comes Luke 16! Jesus doesn’t just turn the world around he tips it upside down with this parable! What does this mean? I am not sure I will have a definite answer but I will offer one possibility on Sunday morning. Hope you are able to join us as we worship and commune together at 9:30…Keep Reading

Sermon Sneak Peek | Guess What?

Sermon Sneak Peek | Guess What?

Guess what? God gets excited! Guess what else? God refuses to give up. How do I know? What does this mean for us? Guess you will have to come to worship on Sunday at 9:30 am at Our Savior’s Lutheran to find out. Pastor Deb Grismer

Sermon Sneak Peek | What Does The Cross Mean To You?

Sermon Sneak Peek | What Does The Cross Mean To You?

I have a wall of crosses in my office and more hanging in my home. Each of them have a unique story but yet each of them also share the same meaning. What does the cross mean to you? When Jesus says “Whoever does not carry the cross and follow me cannot be my disciple”, what do you hear him saying to you? This week’s text is a challenging one…Keep Reading