Sermon Sneak Peek and Annual Meeting, January 24, 2016

Sermon Sneak Peek and Annual Meeting, January 24, 2016

“Sticks and stones may break my bones but words will never harm me.” Most of us now realize that this saying is not entirely true. Words have lots of power. Power to hurt. Power to heal. Power to teach. Power to reveal. This Sunday we will look closely at the particular power of words that are spoken by Jesus himself. Join us for worship at 10:30 am. Then stay for…Keep Reading

Sermon Sneak Peek – Water. Wine. Grace.

Sermon Sneak Peek – Water. Wine. Grace.

Epiphany. That “ah ha” moment when something is revealed in a new way and all of the sudden you proclaim “I get it.” So how is God revealing Godself this week of Epiphany? Water-Wine-Grace. What do they have in common anyway? How is God revealed in these? I guess we will find out on Sunday at the 10:30 am worship service.(Hopefully the pastor will have an idea by then.) See…Keep Reading

Sermon Sneak Peek: God With Us

Sermon Sneak Peek: God With Us

A new year! A new beginning! A new baby! Start out the first full week of this new year by gathering with your family of faith this Sunday at 10:30 am at Our Saviors Lutheran Church in Hermosa where we will look ahead to 2016. Can we trust in God With Us? Pastor Deb

Sermon Sneak Peek: Preparing for CHRIST-mas

Sermon Sneak Peek: Preparing for CHRIST-mas

“Seeing is believing.” At least that is what someone once said and many have heard it often enough to consider this truth. But what if ‘believing is seeing’ became the truth? What if this truth became part of Preparing for CHRIST-mas? What in the world is our crazy pastor talking about? I guess you will have to be a part of worship on Sunday morning at 10:30 at Our Savior’s…Keep Reading

New Where Your Offering Goes Resource Where Your Offering Goes Resource

There is a new resource from the ELCA that shows where your mission support dollars are put to use around the world. Check it out below: