Sermon Sneak Peek | Justified! by Baptism Sneak Peek | Justified! by Baptism

“I am baptized!” Those were the words uttered by Martin Luther whenever he was tempted or afraid. “Why?” you might ask? Good question. Join us on Sunday morning at 9:30 am for worship where we will explore this question as we continue our Reformation worship series “Justified!” by celebrating God’s gift of Baptism and what that means for us. Pastor Deb

OSL Doors Open Until 8:00 pm For Prayer Vigil

OSL Doors Open Until 8:00 pm For Prayer Vigil

Our doors will be open all day today, October 2nd, until 8 pm for the whole community. With the shooting in Las Vegas bearing down on so many of our hearts, as well as all of the other violence and natural disasters happening around the world, we open our doors today for a place to find some comfort. To pray, to just process, or to talk to someone if needed….Keep Reading

Bible Study Opportunities in October! Study Opportunities in October!

Sermon Sneak Peek | It’s Just Not Fair!

Sermon Sneak Peek | It’s Just Not Fair!

The parable we hear this coming Sunday might strike some as troubling: what, shouldn’t we get paid more if we work longer hours?! The last shall be first? I knew you would do that!!!! IT IS JUST NOT FAIR!!! All are invited to gather for worship Sunday morning at 9:30 am to discover what good news Jesus is trying to convey to us. Pastor Deb

Sermon Sneak Peek | Forgiveness Sneak Peek | Forgiveness

Forgiveness…. A song to ponder as we prepare for worship on Sunday at 9:30 am at OSL. Pastor Deb