Care & Serve Team Needs Your Help

We are in need of people to sign up to help with the monthly Care & Serve teams. If you and your family are able to help, please contact Peg in the office, to be included on the Care and Serve list for the month that works best for you. On the next to the last Sunday of each month, the “Care & Serve” Team for the following month gathers during fellowship…Keep Reading

From the Pastor’s Desk

The Imprints of Faith – Passing on the Faith – Every Adult Needs… To be able to struggle with the language for God. How important is it for a child to know their name? Our names give us our identities and connect us to our families and our communities. How more important is it to know God’s name? Maria Harris has said, “Names and meanings of God need to be…Keep Reading

Page Under Construction

Stay tuned as we continue updating the new landing page for Our Savior’s Lutheran Church in Hermosa, SD. Watch as we add content, events, and various other items to this page. We appreciate your patience with us as we finish the website. Watch for me as we roll out the completed site in 4th Quarter of 2013.