Joys and Concerns from SD Synod: Rev. Dr. Thomas Nyiwe

Joys and Concerns from SD Synod: Rev. Dr. Thomas Nyiwe

*Some of you may remember Rev. Dr. Thamas Nyiwe when he was in the United States and stayed in Hermosa. He also preached at the church while he was here. Our thoughts and prayers go out to his family. We learned Saturday morning that Rev. Dr. Thomas Nyiwe, Bishop Emeritus of the Evangelical Lutheran Church of Cameroon, passed away at N’gaoundere Protestant Hospital. He suffered a stroke this Spring, which…Keep Reading

Sermon Sneak Peek: August 3, 2014

Sermon Sneak Peek: August 3, 2014

Don’t be too confident that you know what the miracle is in the story of the loaves and fish in Matthew 14! Sometimes a familiar story still holds a surprise. We hope to see you in worship on Sunday at 9:30 am. Blessings, Pastor Becky

Sermon Sneak Peek: July 27, 2014

Sermon Sneak Peek: July 27, 2014

What if we were bold enough to do something small in God’s name in our community, church, or own life, knowing that it could grow beyond what we could even imagine? Would we still do it? The continuation of parables in Matthew 13 confronts us with a God who is able to transform anyone and anything. Blessings, Pastor Becky

Sermon Sneak Peek: July 20, 2014 Sneak Peek: July 20, 2014

Our walk through Jesus’ parables continues in Matthew 13 with the wheat and the weeds. William H Willimon: “If you are going to grow in God’s garden, you better get used to being among wheat and weeds.” Here is a visual sneak peek of what sermon preparation looked like earlier this week for me. Blessings, Pastor Becky

OSL Youth Group: Hills Alive

OSL Youth Group: Hills Alive

The Our Savior’s Lutheran Youth Group will be attending Hills Alive on Sunday afternoon as a group activity. Please contact Pastor Becky as soon as possible to let her know you plan to attend. Times will be coordinated once she knows who is going. More information can be found in the Hills Alive flyer here.