Sermon Sneak Peek | Forgiveness Sneak Peek | Forgiveness

Forgiveness…. A song to ponder as we prepare for worship on Sunday at 9:30 am at OSL. Pastor Deb

Sermon Sneak Peek August 13, 2017 | Fishers of Men Sneak Peek August 13, 2017 | Fishers of Men

Do you have what it takes to sow, grow and show your faith so that you can share God’s love with everyone? What do you need to throw down and leave behind so you are able to follow Jesus? Are you able to commit to living the life of a disciple? Join us at Our Savior’s Lutheran Church at 9:30 am on Sunday for a shortened worship serve as we…Keep Reading

Sermon Sneak Peek | So, here’s the question… Sneak Peek | So, here’s the question…

So… here’s the question: When God’s name suffers because of the behavior of his followers, what can you do? The answer to this question is critical, because someone’s view and understanding of God may be hinging on your response. Join us at OSL for worship Sunday morning as we look to Daniel and friends for examples of what we can do when others put God down. Pastor Deb

Sermon Sneak Peek – July 30, 2017 | Resilient Jeremiah Sneak Peek – July 30, 2017 | Resilient Jeremiah

Jeremiah prophesies for over forty years under the most difficult circumstances. During his prophetic ministry he is beaten, arrested, imprisoned, and suspended in a muddy pit. Yet he continues to faithfully prophesy. Jeremiah is an example of resilience: the refusal to give up when things get difficult. As we explore Jeremiah’s ministry during worship on Sunday morning at 9:30 am, we will discover how to remain faithful over the long…Keep Reading

Sermon Sneak Peek | July 23, 2017 – Words Have Power!

Sermon Sneak Peek | July 23, 2017 – Words Have Power!

Words have power, and proper use of that power requires wisdom. Join us at worship on Sunday morning at 9:30 am as we explore the positive uses of the power of speech and look to the book of Proverbs to give us direction for exercising wisdom in what we say. Pastor Deb