Ministry Moment Moment

A young girl was asked what she learned at “At Afternoon in Bethlehem.” She said she learned that Jesus had two Daddies, Joseph and God. And Jesus’ mommy is Suzan. And in the stable there was a donkey, a sheep, and a black poodle. And Joseph said the animals were stinky, but she didn’t smell anything bad. Sharing the good news, and providing ministry can happen anywhere…and it’s contagious. If…Keep Reading


A HUGE “Thank You!” to everyone that has shared our event posts this past week. We were averaging 150 people seeing what we have coming up in the church, and this week that outreach has went out to 1,892 people! AMAZING! Just one simple click of that “share button” and you are providing ministry, sharing God’s word, and sharing opportunities for our community to come together in fellowship. Don’t forget…Keep Reading

Send Peace – Advent week 2 Peace – Advent week 2

Join us this Sunday, the 10th, for the second week of our “Together in Advent” series. We will be talking about the importance of PEACE.

An Afternoon in Bethlehem

An Afternoon in Bethlehem

Coming this Sunday, December 10th! OSL will be transformed into Bethlehem! You are invited to wander through the city and visit all the shop keepers and townspeople. There will be hands-on activities at each stop. Hear what they have to say about the birth of baby Jesus! Meet his parents, Mary and Joseph, and see the baby in the manger. Fun for ALL AGES! There will also be a freewill…Keep Reading

Holiday Child Care

Holiday Child Care

Coming up this Saturday night! Need a few hours “kid free” to get some shopping done? Wrap some presents? Just have some quiet time? The OSL Community Youth Group is here to help! Drop your little ones off at OSL and they will be fed dinner, and take part in fun activities while you get a little break. Minimum donation of $2.50/child/hour The donation money will go towards helping 22…Keep Reading