Sermon Sneak Peek – Justified! Sneak Peek – Justified!

The time is finally here!  This Sunday we will celebrate the 500th anniversary of the Reformation. On October 31, 1517, Martin Luther nailed 95 statements for academic debate to the town bulletin board, the door of the Castle Church in Wittenberg, Germany.  Luther, through his study of God’s Word, rediscovered the hidden treasure of the Gospel, the good news that we are justified as a free gift of God’s grace…Keep Reading

Reformation Celebration

Reformation Celebration

Reminder: Calvary Lutheran Church, in Rapid City, will be hosting an amazing Reformation Celebration! Sunday October 29th 4:00pm An evening of Music, Hymns, Readings, and Prayers, celebrating the 500th anniversary of our Lutheran Heritage! EVERYONE IS WELCOME TO ATTEND!  

D.O.G. Night Fun Night Fun

D.O.G. (Disciples of God) Night! Before we dove into the fun and games, we all gathered for a great meal and conversation! Lots of happy faces on hot dog night! 😊 This children’s ministry is open to all children in the community ages 4 thru 8th grade! We have been going this season for 8 weeks now, and EVERY SINGLE WEEK, we see new kids and smiling faces. Thank you…Keep Reading

Bible Study Opportunities This Week Study Opportunities This Week

For full details or more information on each session’s focus, please click on this link: Bible Study Opportunities in October!  

Youth Group ‘Magical Mystery Tour’ Group ‘Magical Mystery Tour’

October 22, 2017 – OSL Community Youth Group Magical Mystery Tour found us in Edgemont to join up with the Trinity Lutheran Community Youth Group for some learning, snacks and a walk along Sheep Canyon as we learned about each other. Thank you to the youth and adults from Trinity for welcoming us and hanging out with us. A HUGE THANK YOU TO GLORIA, DIANE, ASHLEY AND ROD for providing…Keep Reading