Lenten Service: The Miraculous Earthquake

Lenten Service: The Miraculous Earthquake

“And the earth shook.” (Matthew 27:51b) When an organization desires to draw people to an event, they will use various means. When God desired to draw people’s attention to His Son’s death on the cross for the sins of the world, He used an earthquake. God uses miracles to get us to pay attention to His saving Word. Learn more at the Wednesday night Lenten Services at 7:15pm at Our…Keep Reading

Sermon Sneak Peek: Living Lent – People

Sermon Sneak Peek: Living Lent – People

Join us on Sunday at 9:30am for worship service as we continue our special series for the season of Lent. Each service in this series focuses on a a word to consider while living Lent as Easter people. Week Two in the series is based on the word PEOPLE and reminds us that we are called to be among people in this world. People matter to God; he sent Jesus…Keep Reading

Message from Church Council President: Special Congregational Meeting Set for February 28, 2016

Message from Church Council President: Special Congregational Meeting Set for February 28, 2016

A Message from Church Council President, Jack Corr February 16, 2016 This is an official notification that a Special Congregational Meeting has been called for all members of Our Savior’s Lutheran Church in Hermosa, SD. This meeting is being called to vote on a new full time pastor. The Call Committee has recommended to the Church Council to call Pastor Debra Grismer. The Church Council voted at the February 15,…Keep Reading

Lenten Service: The Miraculous Tearing of the Temple Curtain

Lenten Service: The Miraculous Tearing of the Temple Curtain

“And behold, the curtain of the temple was torn in two, from top to bottom.” (Matthew 27:51a) This curtain was not the only form of seperation by any means. Around the temple were walls, curtains, and courts, which seperated the people in their sins from God in His purity and Holiness. This seperation of course, meant that the ordinary person had no access to God. This was about to change….Keep Reading

February Announcements

February Announcements

Don’t forget that you can access all of our monthly newsletter information by requesting an email copy be sent to you by the Church or check it out on our website at: http://oslhermosa.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/02/February-Newsletter-2016-.pdf The Annual Meeting of Our Savior’s Lutheran Church was held on Sunday, January 24h following worship service. Emily Dirkes, Marie Kennedy, and Butch Rudd were elected to fill the three vacated Church Council positions. Wyone Leonard was…Keep Reading