Pastor Appreciation Appreciation

Last Sunday, we celebrated Pastor Appreciation and honored our fearless leader. Thank you Pastor Deb for all you do for this congregation, and the entire community! You are a blessing to so many!  

October’s Mission of the Month’s Mission of the Month

October Mission of the Month For military members serving away from home receiving a care package is a morale booster and one way we can show we care. Also, in Rapid City the Cornerstone Mission houses up to 38 veterans who have returned from serving our country and, for various reasons, find themselves in desperate need of help to get back on their feet. This month the Missions Committee is…Keep Reading

Youth Group – Pumpkin Decorating Contest Group – Pumpkin Decorating Contest

October 8, 2017…Plan B. Back to the church for a Pumpkin Carving Competition! Much fun was had by all. This turned into a pretty serious competition. The youth spent 2 hours creating their Jack-o-lanterns and stories. The Jack-o-lanterns were judged on carving details, theme and the story they told to go with their Jack-o-lanterns. And the results and winners are: Reno (3rd place), Reace (2nd place), Gage (1st place)  

Sermon Sneak Peek | Justified! by Baptism Sneak Peek | Justified! by Baptism

“I am baptized!” Those were the words uttered by Martin Luther whenever he was tempted or afraid. “Why?” you might ask? Good question. Join us on Sunday morning at 9:30 am for worship where we will explore this question as we continue our Reformation worship series “Justified!” by celebrating God’s gift of Baptism and what that means for us. Pastor Deb

OSL Doors Open Until 8:00 pm For Prayer Vigil

OSL Doors Open Until 8:00 pm For Prayer Vigil

Our doors will be open all day today, October 2nd, until 8 pm for the whole community. With the shooting in Las Vegas bearing down on so many of our hearts, as well as all of the other violence and natural disasters happening around the world, we open our doors today for a place to find some comfort. To pray, to just process, or to talk to someone if needed….Keep Reading