March 2017 | Our Savior’s Lutheran Church Council Highlights

The Church Council met on March 8 with all members present. Minutes from the February meeting were approved with a friendly change.

The following actions were taken by the Council:

  • The Treasurer’s Report was presented and approved. Treasurer Marvin Bishop informed the council the monthly expenses for this congregation run about $10,000 per month. The Audit Committee report was also presented and approved.
  • Pastor Deb will be added as a signer on the High School Youth checking account and a debit card will be obtained for this account.
  • Mike Baschnagel has been appointed the new treasurer for the church. The Council thanked Marvin Bishop for his tremendous work as our treasurer.
  • Counters will now be used to assist with Sunday morning offering counting duties. Mike will train volunteers to fill these positions.
  • Peg’s review results were shared with the Council. A cost of living increase will be added to the secretary’s salary.
  • The Council is looking for volunteers to be Synod Assembly voting members on June 2 & 3 in Sioux Falls. Registration and hotel rooms will be covered by the church. Any interested congregation member should contact a Council member or Pastor Deb.
  • The Custer Y will be starting a preschool using space at OSL beginning in Fall of 2017. They have already received several registrations.
  • Pastor Deb’s annual review was conducted with input from Committee members, as well as other congregation and community members. A cost of living increase will also be added to Pastor Deb’s salary and affected benefits. This increase was built into the 2017 Financial Mission Plan.
  • Paul and Laurel Reynolds, Denny and Jan Knight, Steve and Patti Pendegraft, Clay Walberg and Suzan Heidelberger, Pastor Deb, Rod, Brandon and Haylee Grismer were approved as new members of the church.
  • The Property Committee will be purchasing a new riding lawn mower and weed eater before the Spring Clean-up date.
  • Committee updates were presented.

Next Council meeting will be April 20 at 6:00 pm.